CentOS 6 – Install NVIDIA proprietary driver

Linux distributions do not include proprietary NVIDIA drivers for obvious reasons. But, fortunately, installing NVIDIA proprietary drivers is pretty straightforward.

1. Go to shell and install kernel source and headers

[root@thinker tmp]# yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers 
[root@thinker tmp]# yum install gcc make

2. Find out your card type:

[root@thinker tmp]# lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [Quadro NVS 5400M] (rev a1)

3. Go to nvidia site and select your card and OS (Linux 32-bit or Linux 64-bit)

4. After downloading driver move it to /tmp directory

5. Go to shell and blacklist nouveau kernel module

[root@thinker tmp]# cd /etc/modprobe.d/
[root@thinker modprobe.d]# echo "blacklist nouveau" >> blacklist.conf

6. Edit grub.conf and blacklist nouveau driver

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# vi /etc/grub.conf

Find a line that begins with kernel /vmlinuz…, go to the end of line and add rdblacklist=nouveau. Save grub.conf and exit

7. Switch to runlevel 3

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# vi /etc/inittab

Find a line id:5:initdefault: and change it to id:3:initdefault:
Save and exit

8. Reboot

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# shutdown -r 0

9. Install driver

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# cd /tmp
[root@thinker tmp]# sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-319.23.run

Driver will ask you to setup xorg.conf for you.

10. Switch to runlevel 5

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# vi /etc/inittab

Find a line id:3:initdefault: and change it to id:5:initdefault:
Save and exit

11. Reboot

[root@thinker modprobe.d]# shutdown -r 0

That’s it. Your CentOS should boot to graphic mode and before login page you should see NVIDIA splash.

On every kernel update you should repeat this procedure.

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